Module I (15 hrs)
Architecture: definition- factors influencing architectural development- characteristic features of a style- historic examples from world architecture. Indian architecture: a brief study of the architecture of Buddhist, Hindu and IndoIslamic period. Kerala architecture: Temple and domestic architecture of Kerala- examples. Principles of architecture: form and function- contrast, proportion, scale, balance, rhythm, character, colour and unity.
Module II (13 hrs)
Basics of planning: Evolution of towns- problems of urban growth- elements of regional population dynamics (ruralurban migration)- beginning of town planning acts- ideal towns- garden city movement- concept of new townscomprehensive planning of towns. Basics of town planning surveys- land use surveys and analysis- socio-economicsurveys. Projection of land use requirements- Development plans- Regional planning.
Module III (13 hrs)
Planning Process: Concept of master plan: structural plan, detailed town planning scheme and act. Estimating future needs: planning standards for different land use allocation for commerce, industries, public amenities, open areas etc. Planning standards for density distributions- density zone, planning standards for traffic networks- standards of roads and paths- provisions for urban growth- growth models.
Module IV (11hrs)
Basics of Housing: Basic concepts of Housing- Density studies- Housing situations in India- Quantitative and qualitative housing policies and programmes. Concept of Housing standards recommended by Kerala Building Codes. Mass housing- Agencies involved in housing schemes.Housing schemes for economically weaker sections in Kerala.

Reference Books
1. Architectural Design- Ernest Pickering,Wiley &sons,inc
2. A history of architecture- Sir Banister Fletcher,Architectural press
3. Form, Space and order- Francis D.K.Ching,Wiley Publications
4. Indian Architecture- Buddhist and Hindu Periods, Percy Brown Munshiram manoharial Publications
5. Indian Architecture- Islamic Period – Percy Brown, Munshiram manoharial Publications
6. Urban Pattern-Arthur B. Gallion-Van Nostrand Reinhold-D van Nostrand copany
7. Urban and Regional Planning- peli Hall-pelican books/Laurence king publishing
8. Principles and Practices of Town Planning, Lewis Keeble-The estates science Publishing
9. Urban Geography- Harold M. Mayer ,Simmons Boardman publishing
10. Urbanization and Urban Systems in India, R. Ramachandran-Orward Universal Publication