MODULE I (12 hours)
Introduction to refrigeration-unit of refrigeration-refrigerator and heat pump-coefficient of performance-reversed Carnot cycle-pressure enthalpy diagram-vapour compression refrigeration cycle-analysis of practical vapour compression cycle-non conventional refrigeration systems-thermo electric refrigeration-vortex tube-pulse tube refrigerationrefrigerant mixtures-cooling by adiabatic demagnetization
MODULE II (12 hours)
Steam jet refrigeration-analysis of steam jet refrigeration system-components-advantages and limitations-air refrigeration systems-thermodynamic analysis of bell coleman cycleapplication to air craft refrigeration-absorption refrigeration systems-principle and operation of aqua ammonia and lithium-bromide water systems-electrolux system-comparison between vapour compression and absorption systems-introduction to adsorption refrigeration systemMEMS cooling systems
MODULE III (14 hours)
Refrigerants-thermodynamic physical and chemical properties of refrigerants-selection criteria of refrigerants-refrigerant compressors-reciprocating compressors-single and multi stage compression-effect of clearance-effect of inter cooling-optimum pressure ratiosefficiencies-rotary compressor-screw-vane type compressor-centrifugal compressor-hermeticsemi hermitic and open compressors-condensers-air cooled condensers-water cooled condensers and evaporative condensers-expansion devices-purpose and types-capillary tubeautomatic expansion valve-thermostatic expansion valve-evaporators-flooded evaporatorsdry expansion systems-natural convection evaporators-forced convection evaporators-shell and tube evaporators-shell and coil evaporators
MODULE IV(14 hours)
Psychrometry-psychrometric properties and relations-psychrometric chart-psychrometric processes-summer air conditioning system-winter air conditioning system-year round air conditioning system-central air conditioning system-unitary air conditioning system-direct expansion system-all water system-all air system-air water system-design procedure for air
conditioning systems-estimation of air conditioning load-noise and noise control-refrigeration and air conditioning controls-high pressure and low pressure cutout-high side and low side float valve-flow regulating devices-thermostats-humidstats
Text Book:
1. Stoecker, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.”, Mc Graw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Roy J Doosat, “ Principles of Refrigeration.”, Pearson Education
2. C.P Arora, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.” TMH
3. Ananthanarayanan, “Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.”, Mc Graw Hill
4. McQuston, “Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning” John Wiley