Module I (12 hours)
Introduction- The software process, Software process models-Waterfall model, RAD model, Prototyping model, Spiral model, Component based development, Aspect-oriented software development System modeling, System engineering process, System models-Data models, Object oriented model, Scenario based model, Flow oriented model, Class-based model, Behavioral model Software requirements- Functional and Non-functional requirementsSRS- Requirement Engineering Process
Module II (13 hours)
Design Engineering- Design concepts, design model, pattern based software design Architectural Design-system structuring, control models, modular decomposition, Object oriented Design, Component based design, User Interface Design
Module III (13 hours)
Software Testing- Testing process, Testing strategies- Verification and validation, Software inspection, Unit testing and Integration Testing, Validation testing, System testing Testing tactics- Software Testing Fundamentals, Black box testing, White box testing, Object-oriented testing, Clean room engineering process
Module IV (14 hours)
Project Management- Metrics for process and projects, Estimation- Project planning process, Software scope and feasibility, Resources, software project estimation, Decomposition techniques, Project scheduling, Risk Management- Risk identification, Risk projection, Risk refinement, RMMM Quality management-Product metrics, Quality-Quality control, Quality assurance, Cost of Quality, Change Management-Configuration Management, Software re-engineering, Reverse Engineering, CBSE process.
Text books
7. Pressman S. Roger, “Software Engineering”, Tata Mac Graw Hill
8. Sommerville Ian, “Software Engineering 6th Addition”, Addition Wesley 2002
Reference books
1. Jalot Pankaj, “An Integrated Approach to S/W Engg.”Narosa Publishing House